How can I safely and effectively socialize and train all the new puppies and rescues now, not when the pandemic lock down is over? I’m elated to hear people are adopting and emptying the shelters. New foster parents are helping. But, how can I teach without a classroom?
Well, this Grandma got tech-savvy quick. Thank goodness my friend Crystal gave me a quick tutorial around a distance learning platform software. I’ve always liked bells and whistles; so, it was quite easy for me to transition to the live online classroom. My clients who were forced to cross over from the brick-and-mortar classroom to the online classroom were a little skeptical at first, but have been giving me some really great feedback. I can teach loose leash walking outside with two different camera angles. I have Bluetooth ear buds and a mic. All you need is to listen, watch, and do. My trick dog class is more fun. I’m very impressed how people can be so creative. One of my younger students, Teagan, used a mop handle across the lower rungs of a chair to make a nice low jump for her dog.
I can say it’s been a paws-itive learning experience for me. It has really opened my eyes to the many advantages of working live online for many dogs that may have not been a candidate for regular classroom in the past
All the client needs is a smart phone, iPad, laptop, or PC with a camera. It can be set up within a minute. I am offering live online group or private classes. Please call for a free 15-minute consult.
There are many reasons why to home school you dog.
1. Learn how to safely and properly socialize a puppy during Covid-19
2. Puppies don’t need to have all their shots to attend classes.
3. New rescues and quaran-teens can add enrichment and learn manners
4. Fearful dogs or overly excited dogs can now learn in a more relaxed atmosphere
5. Prevention of separation anxiety now, not when this blows over
6. Convenient, you don’t have to load up the car with the kids and the dog
7. The class can be recorded so clients can revisit sessions.
8. It still comes with homework hand-outs
It’s easier to train today, then to fix it later!