Who is Molasses Creek Dog Training?

Marion O'Neil, CPDT-KA, CTDI
Owner, Head Trainer
Marion has an impressive career in dog training & has been helping dogs & their people live harmoniously since 2012. Certified through the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers, Marion is a graduate of the Animal Behavior College of Valencia, CA Dog Obedience Instructor Training Program (ABCDT). She is also a Certified Trick Dog Instructor & Canine Good Citizen Evaluator through the American Kennel Club, as well as an Instructor & Evaluator for Do More With Your Dog.
When she isn’t training dogs, she is assisting her dog Mizz Ziva as a Certified Therapy dog & contributing regularly to local publications such as Buck’s County Time Herald, Upper Bucks Free Press, & Town & Country. Additionally, Marion also mentor’s new Dog Training students of Animal Behavior College & CATCH Canine Trainers Academy.
Marion’s number one goal in her work is to reduce the number of dogs surrendered due to common (addressable) behavior issues. While it’s a tall order to fill, Marion believes through the use of force-free training methods & teaching dog owners how to raise an emotionally healthy family dog, she can accomplish her goal.
Marion’s Associations:
Pet Professional Guild: Charter Member, PPG is an association of industry professionals who are committed to force-free training & pet care philosophies.
Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers: Certified as a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (Knowledge Assessed)
A.K.C.: Marion is a Certified Trick Dog Instructor & Evaluator, as well as an Canine Good Citizenship Evaluator.
Do More with Your Dog: The official sanctioning and organizing body for the sport of Dog Tricks.
C.L.A.S.S: One of the first 100 trainers in the U.S. to become certified by the APDT as an Evaluator for C.L.A.S.S. (Canine Life and Social Skills)
Dog Gone Safe: A licensed presenter for the Be a Tree Program – a non-profit organization dedicated to bite prevention through education. A fun & interactive presentation for children & parents to learn about dog body language.
Best Dog Trainer: 2014 – 2019 | Upper Bucks Free Press
Top Pro 2015 – 2017 | Thumbtack
Best Pet Training 2015 – 2019 | Bucks Happening List
Ready to Work with Marion?