Tips for Dog Owners

Fall Shedding, Ugh!

A dog blowing his coat is worse than a ripped up goose down pillow fight on a windy day. Tumbleweeds of hair everywhere! Shedding is the natural process of a dog’s coat ridding itself of hair that is old. Once the older hair is shed, room for new and healthy hair can be made. The shedding process is completely normal. It can be very frustrating to be constantly vacuuming up piles of fluff. Some dogs shed seasonally, spring and fall, while other dogs shed all year long. One common misconception is that a hypoallergenic dog won’t shed. The reality is that truly hypoallergenic dogs do shed, but produce less dander.

The amount of hair that sheds depends on several factors, the dog’s breed, weather conditions, diet, and more. It’s possible to keep shedding under control at home with a proper brush & healthy diet. Her are a few things you can do to keep your dog’s coat under control. It just may surprise you to learn that most of these tips will cost you next to nothing!

!. Bristle brush- this brush is good for all coat types, but a brush with more widely spaced longer bristles should be used on dogs with a longer coat. Courser hair may require stiffer bristles.

2. Wire pin brush- this type of brush is good for curly wooly coats that range in length from medium to long

3. Slicker brush- made with fine wire bristles, a slicker brush is useful for removing mats and tangles.

4. Combs- rubber curry combs massage your dog’s skin and help to remove dead hair from short haired dogs.

5. Some dogs may benefit from a dietary supplement of omega-3 fatty acids. Not only does it promote healthy hair growth, it helps to support joint, heart, and immune health. Always speak with your veterinarian to determine the benefits for your dog.

6. How much water your dog is drinking? A dog should drink an ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. That means a 10 lb. dog needs at least 10 oz. of clean water per day.

7. Bathing your dog not only cleans their coat, but also helps remove dead hair. Deshedding shampoos and conditioners contain moisturizers and omega-3 fatty acids that hydrate your dog’s skin and fur to create healthier, stronger follicles by simultaneously detangling old, dead hair from new hair. Remember, not to over bathe your dog which will dry out their skin. Don’t be afraid to ask your vet, groomer or dog trainer for advice!